Android based smartphones allow the users to benefit from a wide number of applications. These phones can be easily monitored through a variety of android spy apps available in the market but in order to monitor them closely and accurately, you must get hold of a reliable application like StealthGenie. StealthGenie is mainly known for its great compatibility with android smartphones. Everyone who has used this android spy app has given positive reviews about it in terms of pricing and functioning. It can secretly monitor every activity that is performed by the targeted users.

How StealthGenie works?

You do not have to put in much effort for keeping a check on your suspects. StealthGenie records their activities around the clock and continues to upload the details on your personal StealthGenie account that is only viewable by you. You can access your account from anywhere in the world through your username and password. The online interface of StealthGenie is quite easy to use and enables the users to customize their settings the way they want.

What can it do for you?

You can view the following through your StealthGenie account:
  • The calls made and received by the user. This includes details like the number on which the call was made or received from. The exact date, time and duration of the call are also provided to the user.
  • SMS correspondence is also uploaded onto your account with all details such as the name/number of the sender/receiver along with the date and time stamps. The StealthGenie user can easily read through the SMS content and stay updated on the activities of their suspects.
  • The web-browsing history of the Android phone holders is displayed on your account. You can view each and every website/URL visited by the targeted persons.
  • The GPS locator of StealthGenie empowers you to uncover the real-time location of your target. You can always check their location by logging on to your account. This feature is particularly useful for doubtful parents and employers.
  • You can even record live surroundings of your targets by sending remote commands to their cell phones.
  • The sent and received emails of the targeted persons are also presented to you with each and every detail that you may want to know.
  • You can define trigger words/numbers and phrases to stay updated on particular activities. This can help you stay updated about the activities that you want.
  • The user is allowed to set instant alerts on the defined trigger words/phrases and numbers. These alerts are provided to you by StealthGenie in the form of SMS or emails.
So, get StealthGenie and spy on any android phone like LG, Samsung, or Sony. This economical yet powerful android spy can help you overcome your worries easily.